The October value of the Toll Index reads at 100.7 continuing a multi-month positive trend. It is up 1.3% on Steptember 2024 and up 6.1% on October 2023.
The Border Crossing Toll Index is adjusted for number of weekdays, time, month and MAUT-policy-regime fixed effects. For the newly defined Toll Index see here. The smoothing used is what I call the eye-balling smoothing.

The Toll Index was first proposed in IZA DP5522 which was published in the Journal of Forecasting. It has been widely covered in national and international media (selection):
Focus Magazin,
Tim Harford – The undercover economist,
Financial Times,
CNN International,
DRS3 Swiss public radio,
Deutsche Welle.
Citation: “Nowcasting business cycles using toll data.” Journal of Forecasting 32:4 (2013): 299–306(with K. F. Zimmermann).