The effect of COVID-19 on the US housing market

The COVID-19 pandemic gives buyers a leg up over sellers in the US housing market.

Note: The BUSE index is the ration of “buy” to “sell” Google searches in the category “Real Estate”. It was inteoduced in:

N. Askitas, Trend-spotting in the housing market, Cityscape – A Journal of Policy Development and Research, 2016, 18 (3), 185-198

Flattening the COVID-19 curve: What works

Our paper (joined with K. Tatsiramos and B. Verheyden) on Estimating worldwide effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 incidence and population mobility patterns using a multiple-event study published in Nature Journal: Scientific Reports.

Image Providers(s): CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MSMI; Dan Higgins, MAMS


Askitas, N., Tatsiramos, K. & Verheyden, B. Estimating worldwide effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 incidence and population mobility patterns using a multiple-event study. Sci Rep 11, 1972 (2021).

Flattening the COVID-19 curve: What works

“…policies preventing close contacts in large groups, such as public events, private gatherings, and schools are the most effective in reducing new infections… mediated by changes in population mobility patterns, which are consistent with time-use and epidemiological factors…

From our column at on our paper (joint with K. Tatsiramos and B. Verheyden)

On google scholar (all sources).